The Booty Report

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Arrr! The Last Ronin II #2 be delayed a moon's cycle. Shiver me timbers, these turtles be slow!


Arrr, the treasure be arrivin' fashionably late, me hearties, but fear not for its splendor be worth the wait! Aye, the sight of it will make ye eyes pop like a pair of doubloons in a greedy pirate's palm!

Arrr mateys, listen up ye scurvy dogs! The problem we be facing be a tad tardy in its arrival, but fear not, for it be a sight to behold once it finally crosses the horizon! Aye, the wait be worth it, me hearties!
Picture this: a treasure chest of solutions, gleaming in the sun like a Spanish doubloon. The issue may be fashionably late, but when it does make its grand entrance, it be sure to make a splash bigger than a whale breaching the waves!
So batten down the hatches, me buckos, and prepare to feast yer eyes on the most grand spectacle ye ever did see! The delay be but a mere blip in the grand scheme of things, for the end result be as precious as a chest full of jewels!
Arrr, me hearties, let's raise a toast to the delayed, yet magnificent arrival of our long-awaited solution! The journey may have been rough, but the destination be nothing short of glorious! Hoist the colors and sing a shanty, for the issue be worth the wait!

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