The Booty Report

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Arrr, as the praises be sung for the 3DS and Wii U servers, loyal Nintendo scallywags keep the online modes alive!


Arrr, by Blackbeard's beard, a mere handful of scurvy dogs be standin' after the battle! Must be some sort o' sorcery at work, or maybe they be usin' them cheat codes. Either way, they be sailin' on smooth waters for now. Arrr!

Arrr mateys, listen up ye scurvy dogs! There be a handful of players still standin' after all the pillagin' and plunderin' in this treacherous game. Aye, they be like the last few scraps of grog in a tankard at the end of a wild night.
These brave souls be holdin' on tight to their treasure, fightin' off the scallywags and seadogs who be tryin' to snatch it away. They be wily and cunning, like a fox in a henhouse, outwittin' their foes at every turn. Ye gotta give 'em credit for their tenacity and grit.
But mark my words, the tides be turnin' and the winds of fortune be blowin' in strange directions. The game be far from over, and there be many more twists and turns ahead. Who will emerge victorious in the end, claimin' all the booty for themselves?
So raise a toast to these brave buccaneers, for they be showin' us all what it means to be a true pirate. Let's cheer 'em on as they navigate the treacherous waters ahead, and may the best scallywag win!

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