The Booty Report

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Arrr! A beastly steed be galloping on ye train platform like a land lubber! Avast, ye scallywags be watchin'!


Avast ye, me hearties! A queer moving picture be showin' a steed gallopin' on a train dock in a land called Sydney, Australia. 'Twas a curious sight indeed as a metal beast chugged into the harbor. Arrr, what strange antics doth these landlubbers get up to!

Arrr, me hearties! A strange tale be unfoldin' in Sydney, Australia, as a horse be seen runnin' amuck on a train platform like a true swashbucklin' pirate. The beast be followin' proper etiquette, stayin' behind the yellow line as it galloped up and down the platform at Warwick Farm Railway Station. The scallywag even tried to board a train service but was thwarted by the crafty informants.Transport for NSW be jestin' that no harm be done as the horse be only horsin' around, and no further action be taken. The video showeth a lass bein' startled as the horse gallops by her, with the train rollin' in beside the creature like a loyal shipmate.Eventually, a landlubber be leadin' the horse away from the platform, with the beast wearin' only a rug and exhibitin' some horseplay. The horse be waitin' patiently for the train to stop, but then got cold feet and decided to hoof it outta there, causin' transit security to be on high alert and trains to slow down in the area. 'Tis truly a tale fit for a buccaneer's yarn!

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