Arrr mateys, Trump be tellin' them scallywags in Arizona to get a move on after his own crew be blockin' the repeal!
Arrr, me hearties! The scallywag Trump be cryin' for Arizona to swashbuckle their abortion laws! The court be walkin' the plank with their ruling, but the mateys be flounderin' in response. Shiver me timbers, what a hullabaloo over a bit o' femal' autonomy!
Arrr mateys, former President Trump be tellin' them Arizona lawmakers to be quick as a cutlass in adjustin' their abortion policy after the state Supreme Court be makin' it a felony to perform the procedure. Ye see, the decision be upholdin' an old law from 1864, leavin' the Republicans walkin' the plank as the Democrats be blastin' Trump on this here issue."The Supreme Court in Arizona went too far on their Abortion Ruling, enacting and approving an..." be sayin' Trump, soundin' like a salty sea dog on the high seas. He be urg'n them lawmakers to be swashbucklin' their way to changin' the law quick as a flash.
But me hearties, ye can be sure this be just the beginnin' of this battle over abortion in the land of the cactus. The political waters be choppy, and both sides be ready to fight like Davy Jones himself. So keep a weather eye on the horizon, for this be a storm that be brewin' for some time to come.