The Booty Report

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What be the result when ye mix Peter Parker with the Green Goblin? 'Tis Spider-Goblin, arrr!


Arr matey, be warned! The treacherous Green Goblin be layin' a curse upon Peter Parker in the latest issue of Amazing Spider-Man #53. 'Tis a tale of mischief and mayhem on the high seas of comic book lore! Aye, me hearties, beware the wrath of the Goblin!

Arr mateys, gather 'round and hear the tale of the cursed Spider-Man! In the latest installment of the Amazing Spider-Man comic, poor Peter Parker be cursed with the evil of the Green Goblin. Aye, 'tis a terrible fate indeed for our friendly neighborhood hero.
Imagine the horror on Parker's face as he discovers the treacherous spell that has been cast upon him. The Green Goblin, that dastardly villain, has woven a web of wickedness around our beloved Spider-Man.
Will Parker be able to break free from the clutches of this curse? Will he be able to defeat the Green Goblin once and for all? Only time will tell, me hearties.
So hoist the Jolly Roger and set sail for adventure as we follow Spider-Man on his daring quest to rid himself of this foul curse. Will he emerge victorious or will the Green Goblin reign supreme? Only the pages of the comic can reveal the outcome of this swashbuckling tale.

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