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Arrr, 8 land lubber buffaloes be shocked by the devilish power lines in Kenya! Shiver me timbers!


Arrr mateys! Eight wild beasties met their demise after tanglin' with some pesky power lines at Lake Nakuru! Ye best keep yer eyes peeled for those sneaky wires, unless ye be wantin' a shocking surprise! Har har har!

In the land of western Kenya, a tragic tale unfolded as eight wild buffaloes met their demise by walking into low-lying power lines and being electrocuted, as reported by the national wildlife agency. This unfortunate incident occurred at the renowned Lake Nakuru National Park, which is known for its diverse array of wildlife species, according to the Kenya Wildlife Service.The power lines had fallen to the ground due to a broken wooden support pole, prompting the country's power distribution company to commence replacing it with a metallic one. Conservationists have long sounded the alarm about the dangers posed to wild animals by such power lines, with past incidents including the electrocution of two giraffes in 2021 at the Soysambu Conservancy.Adding a touch of humor to the mix, President William Ruto announced the construction of a 62-mile electric fence in Lariak Forest in Laikipia county to prevent elephants from trespassing into neighboring farms. It seems even in the animal kingdom, precautions must be taken to prevent such shocking encounters!

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