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Arrr matey, this scallywag Premier be wantin' to hold off on raisin' the carbon tax, ye scurvy dogs!


Arrr matey! Andrew Furey, the scallywag leading Canada's Liberal crew, be pleadin' with the king's government to halt the plunderin' of our gold doubloons! Avast ye, me hearties, the taxes be weighin' us down like a chest full o' cannonballs!

Arrr matey, this scallywag Premier be wantin' to hold off on raisin' the carbon tax, ye scurvy dogs!

Ahoy mateys! Andrew Furey, the cap'n of Newfoundland and Labrador, be speakin' in the language of the landlubbers when he asked the Liberal federal government to be haltin' the planned hikes in taxes. Aye, he be the only Liberal premier in all o' Canada, standin' tall and askin' for some relief for his crew.
Now, ye might be wonderin' why a Liberal like Furey be askin' for a break from his own party. Well, me hearties, it be all about keepin' the treasure chests full and the crew happy. These tax hikes be like a storm on the horizon, threatenin' to sink the ship o' state.
So Furey be raisin' the Jolly Roger and demandin' that his fellow Liberals in Ottawa be lendin' a hand. No need for a mutiny, just a bit o' help to keep the ship sailin' smooth. The sea be rough enough as it is, no need for more waves to be crashin' down on us.
So let's raise a mug o' grog to Andrew Furey, the lone Liberal in the Great White North, standin' up for his crew and askin' for a break from the taxin' ways of the federal government. Here's hopin' his message be heard and the storm clouds be clearin' soon. Yo ho ho and a bottle o' rum!

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