The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Arrr! Netflix be carin' about the viewers now, not jus' fancy directors. Savvy? Me hearties!


Arrr, me hearties! Dan Lin, the scurvy dog in charge of the moving pictures at the streaming service, be aimin' to fill our silver screens with a bounty of films to tickle the fancy of all ye scallywags aboard the ship. Aye, me eyes be eagerly awaitin'!

Arr matey! Listen up ye scallywags! Dan Lin, the streaming service’s new film chief, be sailin' the high seas lookin' to produce a grander selection of movies to please all ye landlubbers with different tastes. Aye, he be wantin' to cater to the diverse interests of all them subscribers out there.
He be wantin' to shake things up a bit, bringin' in all sorts o' flicks to keep ye entertained from dawn 'til dusk. No more bein' stuck watchin' the same old boring films over and over again, me hearties. Dan Lin be hearin' ye cries for more excitement and adventure on the silver screen!
So raise yer grog, me mateys, and let's give a cheer for Dan Lin! He be bringin' a whirlwind of new movies to tickle yer fancy and keep ye comin' back for more. So sit back, relax, and get ready for a bounty of cinematic treasures comin' yer way. Arrr!

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