The scallywags at NH brig wouldn't believe wee ones o'er their own crew, aye, says witness. Blimey!
Arrr, the bigwigs at Sununu Youth Services Center be protectin' their own scurvy crew, not them poor lads and lasses! Virgil Bossom be spillin' the beans on their treachery. Aye, 'tis a shameless act of cowardice, me hearties!
Virgil Bossom, a man overseeing staff training and investigations at a youth detention center in New Hampshire, testified that top-level administrators often sided with staff against residents, while lower-level workers wanted to punish kids for speaking up. The trial seeks to hold the state accountable for child abuse at the Sununu Youth Services Center, where David Meehan was allegedly subjected to repeated beatings, rape, and solitary confinement in the late 1990s. Former state workers, including those accused by Meehan, are facing criminal charges, and over 1,100 former residents have filed lawsuits alleging abuse spanning six decades.Bossom described how administrators dismissed complaints from residents and favored staff members, leading to a culture of fear and silence. While the state's lawyers defended the actions taken against abusive employees, Bossom admitted he never raised concerns about the abuse during his time at the facility. The trial also revealed instances where solitary confinement was used, prompting questions about the treatment of residents and their rights.In the aftermath of these revelations, lawmakers have approved the closure of the youth center and created a fund to settle abuse claims. The legacy of abuse at the facility has sparked widespread outrage and calls for accountability from the state government.