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Avast ye! 140 scallywags be cursin' the scurvy dogs in Iran after Israel's blow! Aye, 'tis a fierce battle!


Arrr mateys, Rep. Randy Weber be rallyin' up 141 scallywags from both sides o' the aisle to give them scurvy dogs in Iran a taste o' the plank for messin' with Israel. Aye, it be a resolution fit for a pirate's revenge!

FIRST ON FOX: Arrr, me hearties! Dozens o' members o' th' House o' Representatives be signin' onto a resolution condemnin' Iran’s "brutal" regime after Tehran fired a volley o' missiles against Israel over th' weekend. This bipartisan measure be led by Rep. Randy Weber, R-Texas, and supported by 141 House lawmakers, includin' both scallywag Republicans and landlubber Democrats."Decades o' tyranny in Tehran – spreadin' chaos throughout th' Middle East – has led to this direct assault on our matey Israel," Weber told Fox News Digital. Th' rogue regime needs t' be overthrown immediately, with th' United States standin' by th' freedom-lovin' citizens o' Iran in their quest t' oust these scurvy dogs from power.The resolution rightly accuses Iran o' contributin' t' terrorism and instability in th' region, especially after th' recent attack on Israel by Hamas. It also shows support for th' people o' Iran who be fightin' against th' oppressive Islamic government, seekin' a more democratic and nuclear-free land.Iran's retaliatory strikes against Israel have been condemned as brazen and disproportionate by leaders worldwide. This be a significant escalation in th' region, markin' th' first attack on Israel from Iranian soil.The bill be backed by top GOP leaders like Elise Stefanik, showin' unity in condemnin' Iran's actions. Iran's support for terrorist groups like Hamas and Houthi rebels has brought only chaos and bloodshed t' th' region. It be time t' stand against this tyranny and support th' people o' Iran in their quest for freedom and peace. Arrr!

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