The Booty Report

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Avast ye scallywags! The brig in California be closing for the lasses to avoid any more mischief. Argh!


Arrr mateys, the royal Bureau of Prisons be shutterin' FCI Dublin, a den o' lasses in California. There be talk o' scurvy staff takin' liberties with the fair maidens. The wenches and landlubbers shall be sent to new shores. Aye, a fine mess indeed!

In a move that would make even the most hardened pirate chuckle, the Bureau of Prisons announced the closure of a women's prison in California known as the "rape club." Despite efforts to reform the troubled facility after an investigation revealed rampant staff-on-inmate sexual abuse, the agency decided to shut it down. Bureau of Prisons Director Colette Peters claimed they had taken unprecedented steps and provided resources to address employee misconduct and other issues but concluded that FCI Dublin was not up to par.The closure marks a significant admission of failure by the Bureau of Prisons, which had promised to improve the prison's culture. Advocates had called for the release of inmates due to the prison's hazardous conditions and ongoing abuse. Last month, the FBI searched the facility again, and the Bureau of Prisons faced more shake-ups after a warden was accused of retaliating against a whistleblower.Despite the closure, concerns remain about the safety of inmates at other women's prisons. Inmate advocates plan to continue their civil litigation against the Bureau of Prisons to ensure the safety of their clients. The sudden decision to close FCI Dublin has left many wondering about the future of the incarcerated women and the accountability of the prison system.

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