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Yarrr, the lasses be found after a treacherous landslide in Indonesia. Shiver me timbers, what a tale!


Arrr, the scallywags of the emergency crews didst reclaim the bodies of a wee lassie and her fair mother on Tuesday, who were both taken by a treacherous landslide o'er the weekend. A tragic tale indeed, may they rest in Davy Jones' locker.

Arrr, ye scurvy dogs! Emergency crews have recovered the bodies of a wee 3-year-old lass and her fair mother, who were both victims of a deadly landslide in Indonesia, authorities said Tuesday. Aye, the rescuers were searching around the South Makale village in the Tana Toraja district of South Sulawesi province. They found the girl and her mother, wrapped them in orange body bags, and carried them away across a dark and rainy field with the help of torches.Avast! They were the final two still missing after the landslides on the Sulawesi Island claimed 20 souls. The rescuers had to dig through thick mud with handheld tools to recover their bodies, as the steep, muddy terrain blocked heavy equipment from being used.Local police reported that the landslides started after torrential rain caused the surrounding hills to sink and fall onto four houses on Saturday. Dozens of soldiers, police, and volunteers joined the search in the remote hillside villages of Makale and South Makale. Tana Toraja, known for its traditional houses and statues in caves, is a popular tourist destination in Indonesia, a chain of 17,000 islands prone to seasonal downpours that cause frequent landslides and floods.Arrr, may the souls of the departed find peace in Davy Jones' locker. The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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