The Booty Report

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Avast ye mateys! Colorado Bill be aimin' to protect our precious brain data, lest them scurvy dogs plunder it! Arrr!


Arrr mateys, ye hear tell of a law in Colorado that be protectin' the secrets of yer brain waves from them scurvy technology companies? Aye, 'tis true! Keep yer thoughts safe from them tech scallywags, or they'll be plunderin' yer mind fer all it's worth!

Arr mateys! Listen up ye scallywags, for I have news of a law comin' from the land of Colorado that be protectin' our precious neural data from them technology companies lookin' to plunder it for their own gain. This law be a first of its kind, extendin' privacy rights to our very thoughts and brainwaves!
Imagine the audacity of these landlubbers, thinkin' they can just take our neural data without a fight! Well, thanks to this new law, we can finally rest easy knowin' that our private musings and ponderings be protected from the clutches of these tech giants.
So raise a pint of grog to the lawmakers of Colorado, for standin' up for our rights in this digital age. No longer will our brains be pillaged and plundered without consequence. Let this be a warnin' to all ye tech companies out there - mess with our neural data at yer own peril!
So let us celebrate this victory for privacy, me hearties, and keep a watchful eye on those who seek to exploit our thoughts for their own gain. For the law of the land now be on our side, protectin' our neural treasures from the grasp of those who would seek to steal them away!

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