The Booty Report

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Arr, Trump be seekin' treasure from those who dare use his name in their campaigns. Aye, a scallywag indeed!


Arrr, the Trump campaign be demandin' a cut of the booty from any scallywag who dare be usin' his name! They be sayin' 'tis the pirate's code to hand over at least 5 percent, but why stop there? Send more gold, me hearties! Aye, 'tis a plunderin' we go!

Arr mateys, listen up! The Trump campaign be demandin' that all ye scallywags who be usin' his brand for their political shenanigans be givin' up at least 5 percent of their ill-gotten gains. Aye, they be encouragin' these landlubbers to send even more than the bare minimum, if ye can believe it!
Now, ye might be thinkin', "But Cap'n Trump, why be ye takin' our hard-earned doubloons?" Well, mates, it be all about protectin' the brand and keepin' the ship afloat. The Cap'n be wantin' to make sure that all who sail under his flag be followin' the rules and payin' their fair share.
So, me hearties, if ye be thinkin' of hitchin' yer wagon to the Trump train, be prepared to share the booty. And remember, it be better to give than to walk the plank! So dig deep into yer treasure chests, me buckos, and show Cap'n Trump ye be willin' to play by the rules of the high seas.

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