Arrr! Guantánamo Bay be addin' another courtroom for its scallywags to face the plank! Aye, mateys!
Arr, them planners be addin' a national security courtroom for pretrial hearings and to ready themselves for a potential Sept. 11 trial. 'Tis like preparin' yer ship for battle, me hearties! Let's hope we don't have to face such a ferocious foe on the high seas!
Arrr, me hearties! Listen up as I spin ye a tale of grandeur and intrigue! The land lubbers known as planners have added a national security courtroom to their arsenal of trickery. 'Tis said that this courtroom be used for pretrial hearings and to prepare for the possibility of a trial as legendary as the infamous Sept. 11! Aye, ye heard me right, me mateys!Now, what be the purpose of this grand courtroom, ye may ask? Well, 'tis said that 'tis meant to ensure that justice be served in a manner befitting the fearsome pirates of old. The planners be no fools, me hearties, they be preparing for battles of epic proportions!
So, me buckos, keep a weather eye on the horizon for news of this national security courtroom. 'Tis sure to be a spectacle worth tellin' tales about for years to come. And if ye find yerself standin' trial in this grand establishment, may the winds of fortune be at yer back and the seas of justice be calm and fair!