The Booty Report

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Arr! 11,000 scallywags be forced to flee as fiery mountains be spewin' and waves be a-threatenin' in Indonesian lands!


Avast ye scallywags! The Indonesian authorities be soundin' the horn for a tsunami alert after the fiery antics of Ruang mountain! Arrr, over 11,000 landlubbers be ordered to abandon ship and seek safer shores! Prepare yerselves for a watery adventure! Arrr!

Arrr, me hearties! Listen up ye scallywags, for trouble be brewin' in the waters of Indonesia! The Ruang mountain be spewin' ash and smoke so high that the authorities had to sound the alarm and send more than 11,000 landlubbers packin'!This here volcano on Sulawesi island be showin' its might with five big eruptions in just a day, raisin' the alert to the highest level. At least 800 folks had the sense to leave afore the real danger hit.Indonesia, with its 120 fire-breathin' mountains, be sittin' right on the "Ring of Fire," a ring of trouble 'round the Pacific. Tourists and locals alike be told to keep their distance from Ruang, lest they be caught in a tsunami like back in 1871.Tagulandang island and its people be at risk once more, with a long journey awaitin' them to safety in Manado. This ain't the first time we've seen the fury of a volcano in Indonesia, with Anak Krakatau causin' chaos and takin' lives in 2018.

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