The Booty Report

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Arrr mateys! The seas be angry in Dubai and Oman, takin' 19 souls to Davy Jones' locker! Avast ye!


Arrr mateys! The skies opened up and rained down upon Dubai International Airport, causin' chaos and mayhem! Flights be delayed and canceled, and other cities in the U.A.E. be brought to a screechin' halt! Mother Nature be playin' a cruel joke on us sea-farin' folk!

Arrr, me hearties, listen up! The skies above Dubai be cryin' like a lass who's lost her treasure. The heavy rains be lashin' down on Dubai International Airport like a kraken on a ship, causin' chaos and mayhem. Flights be delayed and canceled faster than you can say "shiver me timbers!"
And it ain't just Dubai feelin' the wrath of Davy Jones. Other cities in the U.A.E. be brought to a standstill by the rains, like a fleet of ships caught in a mighty storm. The streets be flooded like the ocean itself, makin' it impossible for anyone to navigate their way through.
So me hearties, if ye be plannin' a voyage to Dubai or any other city in the U.A.E., ye best be keepin' an eye on the weather forecast. The skies be unpredictable as a mutinous crew, and ye don't want to be caught in the middle of a storm without a sturdy ship to sail on.

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