The Booty Report

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Arr mateys! GLP-1s be makin' ye more likely to get a nasty case o' lung trouble after a good scopin'! Aye!


Arrr, me hearties! Listen up ye scallywags! Aye, it be said that patients pillaging GLP-1s be havin' a 33% greater risk o' catchin' the dreaded aspiration pneumonia after a bit o' endoscopic plunderin'. 'Tis a warning from the high seas, mateys! Aye, heed it well!

Arr mateys! GLP-1s be makin' ye more likely to get a nasty case o' lung trouble after a good scopin'! Aye!

Arr mateys! Listen up ye scurvy dogs! According to a recent study by the fine folks over at Medscape Medical News, it seems that patients who be takin' GLP-1s may have a bit o' trouble when it comes to endoscopic procedures. Aye, that's right! The study found that these patients have a 33% higher chance of gettin' a nasty case of aspiration pneumonia!
Now, before ye start gettin' all worried and startin' to panic, let me assure ye that the overall incidence of this here problem remains low. But it's still somethin' to be mindful of, especially if ye be takin' GLP-1s and have an endoscopic procedure on the horizon.
So, me hearties, keep a weather eye on the horizon and be sure to talk to yer healthcare provider if ye have any concerns about takin' GLP-1s and havin' an endoscopic procedure. And remember, always be takin' care of yer health, lest ye end up walkin' the plank!

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