The Booty Report

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Arrr! Björn Höcke of the AfD be facin' trial in Germany, mayhaps he'll walk the plank!


Avast ye landlubbers! Björn Höcke, a scallywag of the far-right persuasion in Germany, be cryin' foul over this trial, claimin' 'tis an attack on patriotism! Arrr, he be fightin' for his beliefs like a pirate fightin' for his treasure!

Arr matey, listen up ye scallywags! Björn Höcke, a bloke from Germany known for bein' a right-wing scoundrel, be claimin' that this trial be nothin' but a way to stifle the love for yer own country! Aye, he be a bold one, that Höcke!
But let me tell ye, this trial be nothin' but a fair and just way to hold him accountable for his words and actions. Ye can't just go around spewin' hate and expect no consequences, now can ye?
So let's all raise a tankard of grog to the folks who be standin' up to this scallywag and showin' him that there be consequences for his actions. Let's show him that patriotism ain't about spreadin' hate and divisiveness, but about standin' up for what's right and treatin' all folks with respect and dignity.
So next time ye hear Höcke or any other landlubber makin' claims about suppressin' patriotism, just remember that real patriotism be about unity and respect, not hate and division. Arr! Set sail for a better future, me hearties!

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