The Booty Report

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Arr! The U.S. be sayin' nay to the Palestinian wish for full U.N. membership! Aye, the political seas be rough!


Arr, the scurvy dogs be blockin' a resolution to grant the Palestinians the status they've been longin' for at the United Nations! They be playin' hardball with their "nonmember observer state" status. Aye, mayhaps they be needin' a pirate's help to navigate these treacherous waters!

Arr matey, the scallywags in power be blockin' the resolution to grant those landlubbers, the Palestinians, the status they be wantin' at the United Nations. They be wantin' to be known as a "nonmember observer state," but the powers that be be sayin' nay!
They be playin' a game of politics, makin' it hard for the Palestinians to achieve their goal. But fear not me hearties, for the fight be far from over. The Palestinians be pushin' on, determined to get what be rightfully theirs.
So raise yer glasses and give a cheer for the Palestinians, for they be fightin' the good fight. And who knows, maybe one day they'll be sailin' smooth waters and claimin' their place among the nations of the world. Until then, let's keep our spirits high and our voices loud, supportin' those who be fightin' for their rights!

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