The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Arrr, Zack Snyder claims Tom Cruise be keen on playin' a surprise character in Watchmen, mateys! Aye, the winds be changin'!


Arrr mateys, the part be taken by none other than Jackie Earle Haley! Aye, he be a fine actor indeed, with a face that could scare the barnacles off a ship. Me thinks he be perfect for the job, savvy? Aye aye!

Arrr, mateys! Gather 'round and hear the tale of the casting for a swashbuckling film of grand proportions. Many scallywags vied for the role, but 'twas Jackie Earle Haley who emerged victorious in the end. Aye, 'twas a fierce competition, with actors of all shapes and sizes trying to impress the casting crew with their best pirate impressions.
But Haley's performance shone brighter than the treasure of a sunken ship, and the role was his for the plundering. The crew celebrated with grog and merriment, knowing that they had found their perfect matey to join them on their high seas adventure.
As Haley donned his pirate attire and practiced his "Arrrs" and "Mateys," the crew knew they had made the right choice. His presence on set was like a breath of salty sea air, invigorating the cast and crew with his infectious energy and pirate spirit.
And so, with Jackie Earle Haley at the helm, the film set sail on a voyage of epic proportions, filled with adventure, laughter, and plenty of pirate shenanigans. So raise a tankard of rum to the talented pirate who won the role fair and square, and let us all set sail on this grand cinematic journey together!

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