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Arrr, a swarm of Bosnian Serbs be denyin' the tale of genocide in Srebrenica in the year of '95! Arrr!


Arrr, me hearties! Thousands o' Bosnian Serbs be raisin' a ruckus this week, protestin' a draft U.N. resolution about the 1995 Srebrenica genocide. Aye, more than 8,000 souls walked the plank in that dreadful event. Fair winds and smooth sailin', me mateys!

In the midst of the sunny lands of Banja Luka, thousands of Bosnian Serbs gathered on a fine Thursday, vehemently denying any hint of genocidal atrocities committed in the great Srebrenica of 1995. Despite the solemn rulings of not one, but two United Nations courts, these hearty folk stood firm in their belief, waving their flags high.Back in '95, over 8,000 Bosniak Muslim souls met their demise at the hands of Bosnian Serb troops, their remains hidden away in mass graves to erase all traces of the terrible deed. The international courts in far-off Netherlands have labeled this event as a genocide, the first in Europe since the days of World War II.The gallant Milorad Dodik, leader of the separatist Bosnian Serbs, declared the tragic events in Srebrenica as a "mistake" and a "huge crime," yet adamantly denied any talk of genocide. The winds of controversy swirl as the U.N. debates a resolution to commemorate the genocide, with strong opposition from neighboring Serbia, Russia, and China.The flames of discord continue to blaze in Bosnia, with Dodik threatening a split from the rest of the country should the resolution pass. The land remains divided, with tensions high and the echoes of war lingering in the air, a reminder of the fragility of peace in these lands.

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