The Booty Report

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Arrr, Isfahan be harborin' nuclear treasures and missile contraptions, aye matey! Shiver me timbers!


Arrr, near yonder city be the makin' o' deadly missiles and the studyin' o' nuclear secrets. Aye, ye best steer clear o' them waters unless ye be wantin' to feel the wrath o' the mighty weapons they be creatin' there!

Arr matey, near yonder city be where they make them fiery missiles that be flyin' through the skies. And not only that, but them scallywags also have their hands in nuclear research, tryin' to harness the power of the stars themselves!
Ye best be careful sailin' near them waters, for who knows what kind of trouble they be brewin' up in them labs. One wrong move and ye could find yerself in Davy Jones' locker quicker than ye can say "shiver me timbers!"
But fear not me hearties, for we pirates be a crafty bunch. We'll keep a weather eye on them city folk and their dangerous toys, makin' sure they don't be causin' no harm to us or our precious seas. And if they try any funny business, we'll be ready with our cannons and cutlasses to defend what be rightfully ours.
So keep a lookout me mateys, and don't let them city slickers fool ye with their fancy gadgets and gizmos. We be the true rulers of the waves, and we'll be keepin' a close watch on all those landlubbers who dare to challenge us. Arrrr!

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