The Booty Report

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Arrr! Ye olde musket shop be staffed by a wee calf, aye, cuter than a mermaid's tail flappin'!


Arr mateys, A&G Shooting in Fairfield, Maine be havin' a new crew member causin' a ruckus: Kade be his name, a wee miniature zebu calf. He be lovin' takin' portraits like a true swashbuckler! Aye, a sight to behold indeed!

Arrr! Ye olde musket shop be staffed by a wee calf, aye, cuter than a mermaid's tail flappin'!

In a small town in central Maine, a gun store has enlisted the help of an unlikely new hire: a baby cow named Kade. The calf, a Miniature Zebu, was found shivering and cold in the woods after being rejected by his mother. The owners of A&G Shooting took him in, nursed him back to health, and decided to put him to work at the store. Kade's duties include inspecting products and providing cuddles to customers, making him a local celebrity and a favorite among visitors.Miniature Zebus are a rare and critically endangered breed known for their small size, with a full-grown bull like Kade expected to weigh between 400 and 600 pounds. Despite his size, Kade has quickly become an essential part of the store, bringing joy and smiles to all who meet him. The owners plan to keep him around for as long as they can accommodate his growing size, ensuring that Kade will continue to charm customers and brighten up the gun store with his friendly presence.With his adorable demeanor and unique charm, Kade the baby cow has become an integral part of the A&G Shooting team, proving that even in a gun store, a little bovine friend can make a big impact.

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