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Be them landlubbers takin' their sweet time to embrace TMS for the black dog of depression? Arrr, ye be thinkin'!


Arrr mateys, it be said that this brain-zappin' contraption known as repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation be given the nod in the US for over a decade now. But alas, our European brethren be still scratchin' their heads, awaitin' proper guidelines. Avast ye, Medscape Medical News be spillin' the beans! Arrr!

Arrrr mateys, listen up ye scallywags! It be known that this thing called repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation has been given the nod in the US for over ten years now. Aye, it be a fancy way of treatin' certain ailments of the brain with some magnetic tricks. But me hearties across the pond in Europe be scratchin' their heads, wonderin' where be the guidelines for this here treatment.
It be like tryin' to navigate the seas without a compass, ye know? A bit confusin' and risky, if ye ask me. The US be sailin' smoothly with their rules and regulations for this treatment, while Europe be stuck in the doldrums, waitin' for some clarity.
So, me fellow pirates, let's hope that Europe be gettin' their act together soon and drawin' up some guidelines for this repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation. Until then, we'll just have to keep an eye on the horizon and see where the winds of medical progress take us. Arrr!

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