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Arrr! Poland be holdin' 2 scallywags for ambushin' a mate o' Alexei Navalny in Lithuania. Aye, justice be served!


Avast ye scallywags! Two landlubbers from Poland be caught in cahoots with the assault on the Russian dog Volkov in Vilnius. Arrr, the scuffle happened on the twelfth day of March. Pillage and plunder be their fate for messin' with the wrong matey!

Avast ye scallywags! Two landlubbers have been clapped in irons in Poland for laying hands on Russian rebel Leonid Volkov, a mate of the late swashbuckler Alexei Navalny. Volkov was set upon outside his hidey-hole in Vilnius by a scurvy dog who broke his car's glass, squirted stinging spray in his peepers, and gave him a wallop with a hammer. The Lithuanian cap'n trumpeted the arrests and gave props to Poland for its work.The scallywags, known to the coppers in Poland, sailed to Vilnius for the deed and skedaddled back to Warsaw afterward. They were nabbed by the Lithuanian law dogs and will be handed over in May. If found guilty of the mischief, they could swing in the brig for three years.In Poland, the local court bird squawked that the blighters were nabbed for causing harm to a Russian bloke at the behest of a foreign power. Volkov, with his bones broken, blamed Putin’s henchmen for the assault and vowed to keep up the good fight against the scurvy dogs in charge.Navalny’s mysterious demise and Volkov’s attack have raised the Jolly Roger of dissent against the scurvy Russian rulers, with Westerners pointing fingers at the Kremlin for these dastardly deeds. But the rabble ain’t backing down, vowing to keep up the fight in memory of their fallen shipmate.

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