The Booty Report

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Arrr! Israel be firing cannons and sending spy ships to spy on Iran, says officials! Aye, the high seas be restless!


Arrr, 'twas a bit murky whether the cannons hit their mark in Iran, but 'twas clear that the firepower be more fancy than we thought. Avast, me hearties, looks like we be dealin' with some high-tech plunderin'!

Arrr matey! Twas a fierce battle on the high seas, with missiles bein' launched left and right like cannonballs from a pirate ship. Ye see, it weren't clear right away if the missiles hit their mark in the land of Iran, but we knew one thing for sure - them weapons be more powerful than we thought!
The enemy be usin' some fancy firepower, somethin' beyond our wildest dreams. If only we had known the extent of their arsenal, we might have planned our next move a bit better. But alas, that be the way of the sea - always full of surprises and twists!
But fear not, me hearties! We be pirates, tough as nails and ready for any challenge that comes our way. So prepare yerselves for the next battle, for we shall not rest until victory be ours! Hoist the sails and ready the cannons, for the fight be far from over!

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