The Booty Report

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Ye scurvy Dominican dog be caught plunderin' a young lass during a sweep o' the migrants, arrr!


Avast ye scallywags! 'Tis been reported that a scurvy Dominican soldier by the name o' Paulino de la Cruz hath been seized under suspicion o' plunderin' a 14-year-old lass from Haiti whilst on the hunt for illegal landlubbers. Aye, justice shall be served on this vile swashbuckler!

Avast ye landlubbers! The Dominican authorities be on the hunt for a scallywag soldier accused of heinous crimes against a 14-year-old lass from Haiti. This scurvy dog, Paulino de la Cruz, be part of a crew from the Dominican Air Force searchin' for illegal immigrants near Punta Cana.This vile deed took place whilst the girl's mother was away, and the poor lass had to face the beast alone. The authorities be gatherin' the crew of miscreants for the lass to point out her attacker, with the suspect identified clear as day.If this scallywag be found guilty of his crimes, he could be facing a long stretch in the brig, between 10 to 20 years in the dank, dark cell. The poor girl's mother's name be kept secret to protect her honor and privacy, a wise decision indeed.

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