The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

"Arrr, Alfred Molina be speakin' of the museum he never be missin' whilst in New York, savvy mateys!"


"Arrr mateys, whenever I be in the city, I pay a visit," said the scallywag, who be treading the boards in "Uncle Vanya" on Broadway. Aye, me hearties, I be a swashbuckling actor, savvy?"

Arrr, me hearties, listen to this tale of the actor who be treadin' the boards on Broadway in a play called "Uncle Vanya." Every time he be in the city, he makes a visit to the landlubbers there, makin' 'em laugh and cry with his performance. Aye, he be a talented scallywag, bringin' joy to all who lay eyes on him.
He be like a swashbucklin' pirate on the stage, wieldin' his words like a cutlass and makin' the audience swoon with delight. The crowds be flockin' to see him, eager for a taste of his wit and charm.
So next time ye find yerself in the city, be sure to make a visit to see this fine actor in action. Ye won't be disappointed, me hearties. He be a true treasure, worth his weight in gold doubloons. And who knows, ye might even catch a glimpse of a real pirate or two in the audience, enjoyin' the show as much as the rest of the scallywags.

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