The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Arr matey, ye be thinkin' $60 billion in booty could buy ye Ukraine? Aye, ye be dreamin'!


Avast ye scallywags! The Pentagon be sayin' $60 billion could buy ye cannons and missiles aplenty for defendin' the high seas. But methinks we pirates would spend that coin on rum and treasure maps instead! Aye, 'tis the pirate's life for me!

Arrr mateys! Imagine the booty ye could plunder with $60 billion doubloons! The scallywags at the Pentagon be sayin' that ye could be buyin' loads of air-defense missiles and artillery ammunition with all that treasure. Aye, ye could be protectin' yer ship from any enemy that dare cross yer path!
Just think of the fear ye could strike in the hearts of yer enemies when they see the might of yer weapons! They'll be runnin' for the hills faster than a cabin boy chasing after his first mermaid. With all that firepower at yer disposal, ye could rule the seven seas with an iron fist!
So me hearties, next time ye be countin' yer pieces of eight, dream big and think of all the havoc ye could wreak with $60 billion in yer coffers. No ship would be safe from yer wrath, and no rival pirate crew could stand against ye. Raise yer Jolly Roger high and set sail for riches beyond yer wildest dreams!

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