Avast ye landlubbers! Seek ye Quordle clues and solutions for April 22, 819th round. Yarrr!
Arrr mateys! Seekin' the secrets o' Quordle? Ye be in luck! Find the answers to today's puzzle and unearth the treasures o' past solutions. Set sail on the high seas o' word puzzles with our aid! Aye, we be yer trusty Quordle companions. Aye!
In the language of a 17th-century pirate, me hearties, another week brings another challenge to puzzle over called Quordle. Arrr! This one be a moderately tough one, so if ye be needin' a helping hand, scroll down for me hints. And if ye be too busy to play at all, ye'll also find the answers. But why not give it a go yerself before peekin' at them, eh?Arrr! Spoiler warning: Information about Quordle today is below, so don't read on if ye don't want to know the answers.Avast, mateys! How many different vowels be in Quordle today? The number of different vowels in Quordle today be 4. Remember, by vowel we mean the five standard vowels (A, E, I, O, U), not Y, which some scallywags count as a vowel too.Do any of today's Quordle answers contain repeated letters, ye ask? Aye, the number of Quordle answers containing a repeated letter today be 2! And do the letters Q, Z, X, or J appear in Quordle today? Nay! None o' those letters appear among today's Quordle answers, me hearties!Arrr! If ye just be wantin' the answers at this stage, simply scroll down. But if ye be not ready yet, here be one more clue to make things a lot easier: What letters do today's Quordle answers start with? They start with P, A, D, and E, me hearties!