The Booty Report

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Green roofs be fine, but blue-green roofs be a treasure worth more than gold, me hearties! Aye!


Arrr, me hearties! Amsterdam be playin' with roofs that sprout greens and gather water for the folk livin' within. Avast ye, 'tis the squishy sponge city o' the morrow!

Arrr mateys! Listen up ye scallywags, fer I have news of a grand experiment happenin' in the land of Amsterdam. They be growin' plants on their rooftops, ye hear me right! But that ain't all, they be collectin' water from them rooftops too, to provide fer the folks dwellin' below. Aye, ye heard it right, a squeezable sponge city they be callin' it!
Imagine walkin' through the streets of Amsterdam, lookin' up at the rooftops covered in lush greenery and knowin' that water be collectin' up there to provide fer the people below. It be a sight to behold, me hearties! The future be lookin' bright in this city of canals and windmills.
So next time ye be sailin' through the waters near Amsterdam, keep an eye out fer them rooftops growin' plants and collectin' water. Who knows, maybe one day all cities will follow suit and become squeezable sponge cities of tomorrow. Aye, the future be lookin' green and wet, me mateys! Arrr!

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