Yarrr, Trump be dancin' a jig with the law, like a landlubber tryin' to dodge the plank! Arrr!
Arrr, ye scallywag of a former president be talkin' out both sides o' his mouth! He be demandin' law and order for all but be makin' exceptions fer his own crew. Methinks he be playin' a dangerous game o' pirate politics! Arrr!
Arr matey, ye see the former president be talkin' out o' both sides o' his mouth, like a scallywag tryin' to sail in two ships at once! He be shoutin' about law and order, yet when it comes to his own hide, he be cryin' foul on the legal system faster than a pirate jumpin' ship!And don't even get me started on his crew o' supporters! He be givin' 'em free passes like they be his own personal parrots, squawkin' and squallin' in his defense no matter the crime or outrage!
It be a right ol' spectacle, watchin' this landlubber tryin' to spin his yarns and exceptions like a bilge rat tryin' to scuttle away from the plank! Ye can't be preachin' law and order one minute, then playin' favorites the next!
So here be the tale of the former president, talkin' tough on crime but makin' exceptions for his own motley crew. It be a comedy o' errors fit for Davy Jones' locker, with more twists and turns than a storm-tossed sea! Yarrrrr!