Arrr, be Google tryin' to outwit us with fancy AI passwords? Let Gemini protect yer booty, me hearties!
Arrr mateys, Google Chrome be fixin' to add Gemini, its fancy AI brain, to help ye scallywags remember yer passwords. But beware, for some be worryin' about the securrrity holes this may bring aboard our ship! Aye, keep an eye out for any sneaky sea dogs tryin' to hack ye accounts. Arrr!
In the land of Google Chrome, a new password feature may soon be on the horizon, mateys! It seems that the tech wizards at Google are looking to sprinkle a bit of AI magic into their password suggestions, courtesy of their latest gem, Gemini. A savvy observer stumbled upon clues suggesting that Gemini may be flexing its linguistic muscles to offer even stronger password recommendations within Chrome.Arrr, the code whispers tales of a nifty function where deleting all passwords could disable this feature. And a glimpse at the engineer's plans shows how Gemini could be coerced into crafting the perfect password for ye. But beware, me hearties, for there be risks afoot with such high-tech password generation. LLMs like Gemini could be vulnerable to sneaky hacks that aim to snatch away yer precious login info.But fear not, for Google has its cyber cannons armed with encryption and hashing technologies to ward off those scurvy hackers. If ye fancy trying your hand at crafting a strong password with an LLM like ChatGPT, be warned that it may be best left to the tech-savvy sailors. So, while the AI password rumblings may bring much convenience to us landlubbers, Google must ensure that Gemini's vault is sealed tight to prevent any breaches that could shiver our timbers and shake the trust in these clever machines.