The Booty Report

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Arrr! Sydney Sweeney and Glen Powell be tellin' how 'Anyone but You' went from scurvy to treasure! Aye matey!


Arrr mateys! The film, a scallywag on Netflix, be flopping at the box office but now be sailing with the wind as a treasure trove of success. Here be the loot of their thoughts after watchin' it. Aye!

Arrr mateys! Gather round and listen to the tale of a film that went from a box office flop to a treasure trove on Netflix!
After watchin' the flick on the ol' Netflix, the scallywags be talkin' about their key takeaways. They be sayin' that the film be havin' a plot as twisty as a whirlpool and characters as lively as a tavern on a Friday night.
They be noticin' that the film be havin' jokes as sharp as a cutlass and action scenes as wild as a storm at sea. The special effects be as fancy as a pirate's plunder, makin' the film a real spectacle to behold.
But the biggest takeaway be the surprise of the film's success. From bein' a box office miss to a runaway hit on Netflix, the film be showin' that sometimes a treasure be found in the most unexpected places.
So me hearties, next time ye be watchin' a film, remember that ye never know when ye might stumble upon a hidden gem. And always be keepin' an eye out for those unexpected treasures, for they be the ones that be truly worth their weight in gold!

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