Arr, Columbia University be sailin' towards hybrid learnin' amidst scurvy antisemitic protests on the main campus! Aye matey!
Arrr mateys, listen up! Columbia University be takin' all classes to a hybrid learnin' format on the main campus due to safety fears from them scallywags protestin' against Israel. Keep yer eye on the horizon, me hearties!
Avast, ye scurvy dogs at Columbia University! Listen up, ye landlubbers, for classes be movin' to virtual or hybrid learnin' on account o' ongoing safety concerns from anti-Israel protests. The Provost, Angela Olinto, be sayin' that safety be their top priority and learnin' must go on during these tumultuous times.Arr, these new guidelines be affectin' all faculty and staff, with virtual learnin' options for students who need 'em. If yer classroom be lackin' hybrid capabilities, ye should be holdin' classes remotely if students ask. And for all ye administrative officers and support staff, work from home if ye can, says the school.Arts and Practice-based programs be stayin' in-person with accommodations, while the Medical Center and Manhattanville campuses be operatin' as usual with accommodations for religious or disability reasons. We be gettin' further updates and appreciatin' yer understandin', says the school.Amidst the protests and arrests, Columbia University President Dr. Nemat "Minouche" Shafik be callin' for a "reset," movin' all classes to virtual on Monday for safety. She be expressin' deep sadness at the actions of the agitators and the strain on the community bonds, callin' for a deescalation of tensions. Let's hope these troubled waters calm soon for all at Columbia University.