The Booty Report

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Arrr, this new potion be taming the mind's wild seas of Alzheimer's!'avast ye agitation, shiver me timbers!


Arrr, me hearties! The concoction known as AXS-05, with its mix of dextromethorphan and bupropion, be showin' promise in calmin' the stormy seas of agitation in them with Alzheimer's! Aye, 'tis a fine discovery indeed in the ACCORD trial! Sail on, ye brave scientists!

Arr mateys! Listen up ye scurvy dogs! I've got news that'll make ye jump for joy like a sailor on shore leave! A new concoction known as AXS-05, a blend of dextromethorphan and bupropion, be showin' promise in treatin' the agitation that comes with the dreaded Alzheimer's disease. Aye, ye heard me right! This here mix be makin' them poor souls feel better faster than ye can say "walk the plank!"
The phase 3 ACCORD trial be provin' that this potion be workin' like magic, bringin' about a rapid and long-lastin' improvement in their condition. Them scurvy dogs be calmer than a sea of glass after a storm, thanks to AXS-05. So next time ye see a matey in distress from Alzheimer's-related agitation, remember the name AXS-05 and offer them a glimmer of hope!
So let's raise a tankard of grog to this new discovery, me hearties! Here's to AXS-05, the elixir that's makin' waves in the fight against Alzheimer's! Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum, we be celebratin' this victory on the high seas of medicine! Arrr!

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