The Booty Report

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Arrr matey, Post Malone and Michael Bay be conjuring a tale of an angelic ship o' wheels battlin' zombies in olde Europe!


Arrr, mateys! The infamous Michael Bay be back with a grand plan fer superhero trucks, made in cahoots with the scallywag Post Malone. Avast ye landlubbers, 'tis sure to be a rip-roarin' adventure on the high seas of Hollywood!

Arrr, me hearties! The infamous Michael Bay be back at it again, bringin' us a new tale of superhero trucks sailin' the high seas of the silver screen. But this time, he be joinin' forces with none other than the rapscallion Post Malone! Aye, ye heard right, me mateys!
This be a match made in Davy Jones' locker, aye! With Bay's explosive action and Malone's musical magic, this be a swashbucklin' adventure like no other. Imagine trucks with capes and masks, fightin' evil and protectin' the innocent. 'Tis a spectacle fit for the gods!
So batten down the hatches and get ready for a wild ride, me hearties! Michael Bay and Post Malone be takin' us on a journey filled with thrills, chills, and plenty of laughs along the way. Who knows what kind of mischief these two scallywags be gettin' up to, but one thing be for certain – it be a film ye won't want to miss!

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