The Booty Report

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Arrr! The Arizona House be swashbucklin' to repeal a ban from the year o' 1864 on abortin'! Onward to the Senate, mateys!


Arrr mateys! The scallywags in the Arizona house be votin' to repeal the state's ancient abortion ban from the year o' 1864. 'Tis a victory for the lasses and a blow to the old laws. Three brave Republicans be joinin' the Democrats in passin' the repeal bill, breakin' the deadlock in the legislature. Onward to the next battle on the high seas of politics!

Arr me hearties, listen up ye scallywags! The land lubbers in the Arizona house be votin' to repeal the ban on abortion, a law that be older than Blackbeard himself! The scallywags in the state supreme court be upholdin' the law, but them rascals in the house be sayin' nay!
Them lawmakers in the Arizona house be passin' the repeal bill by a slim margin of 32 to 28, with three traitorous Republican representatives joinin' the Democrats in votin' for the measure. This be the third attempt to repeal the law, endin' a battle between the scallywags and the Democrats that be lastin' for weeks. The bill now be makin' its way to...

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