Ye scurvy landlubber be in cahoots with the scandalous kin of the Trump! Walk the plank, ye traitorous knave!
Arrr, Rep. Brendan Boyle be shoutin' for the capture o' former President Trump, yet be turnin' a blind eye to his own misbehavin' brother! Methinks there be a bit o' hypocrisy afoot in these political waters. Aye, mayhaps he should be walkin' the plank himself!
In the realm of 17th-century pirate lingo, a House Democrat who be not a fan of former President Donald Trump and be wishin' to see him walk the plank be turnin' a blind eye to his own scallywag sibling's legal troubles. Rep. Brendan Boyle, D-Pa., who be boldly shoutin' in Jan. 2021 that "Donald Trump belongs in the brig," has been steerin' clear of callin' for his younger brother, Democratic state Rep. Kevin Boyle, to face the plank, despite a warrant bein' issued for his arrest and a drunken spat at a local tavern caught on the looking glass.Speaketh the congressman's office, "In the days followin' the unprecedented raid on the U.S. Capitol on January 6th, I was one of the first seadogs of Congress to cry out for Donald Trump to be held to account. 'Tis heartening to see justice be done at last. This sends a clear message that nobody, not even the former President of the United States, be above the law," as they cheered Trump's indictment in Washington, D.C. last August.The statement be tellin' tales of the congressman's social media calls for Trump's capture, usin' the hashtag "#ArrestTrump." However, in September 2021, the younger Boyle found himself in Davy Jones' locker, arrested for harassin' and violatin' a protection order from his estranged wife. While no charges be made from his tavern tiff, he be stripped of his committee chair and shipboard entrance due to his actions.Even though an arrest warrant was issued for the scallywag earlier this month, Brendan Boyle be claimin' his brother suffers from a "very serious mental health condition." While the brother be losin' his primary race to another Democrat, there be no sign he won't finish out his term. The tale of the Boyle brothers be a twistin' one, with legal troubles and family drama unfoldin' on the political seas.