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Arrr! Russia be cryin' foul, sayin' US swayed Turkish Airlines to keep Russians outta Mexico. Blimey!


Arr! A Russian scallywag be spoutin' nonsense 'bout the Yanks muckin' about with Turkish Airlines. Methinks 'tis all blarney, for not a shred o' proof be offered! Avast, these political shenanigans be more twisted than a snake in a barrel o' rum! Arrr!

Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov has accused the United States of pressuring Turkey's national airline to prevent Russian citizens from flying to Mexico. Moscow's embassy in Ankara complained that Russian passengers were being denied boarding on Turkish Airlines flights to Latin American countries. Ryabkov suggested the pressure was coming from Washington. There was no evidence provided to support this claim.Industry sources believe Turkish Airlines may be acting under U.S. influence to curb Russian immigration to the southern border. Most of the Russians denied boarding were headed to Mexico. The U.S. State Department did not respond to requests for comment. Over 73,000 Russians have attempted to enter the U.S. through official southern border crossings in the past two years.Up to 1,000 Russian travelers have been denied boarding on flights from Istanbul to Latin America in recent months. The embassy in Ankara criticized the practice but did not provide specifics. Airline staff cited destination countries' restrictions as the reason for the denials.When contacted for further information, the Russian embassy declined to comment beyond their previous statements.

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