The Booty Report

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Arrr mateys, gather ye scallywags and form a band of land lubbers to settle disputes with cutlasses on the field of honor!


Avast, ye scurvy dogs! Gather ye lads from the village to form a militia in Manor Lords. Aye, ye'll need a crew of able-bodied men to defend yer land and plunder the treasure. Set sail for adventure and glory, me hearties!

Arrr mateys, in the game Manor Lords, ye be needin' a good crew of male villagers to form a mighty militia to protect yer lands! These swashbucklin' lads will be ready to defend against any scurvy dogs who dare to pillage and plunder yer precious manor.
But fear not, me hearties, for recruitin' these fine gentlemen be as easy as findin' buried treasure! Simply assign some of yer villagers to train as soldiers, and before ye know it, ye'll have a fierce army at yer disposal.
And don't be forgettin' to keep an eye on yer resources, me lads. Ye'll need plenty of gold and food to keep yer militia well-fed and equipped for battle. So plunder them trade routes and keep yer coffers full!
So gather up yer male villagers, me hearties, and prepare to defend yer manor with all yer might! With a strong militia at yer side, no scallywag will dare to set foot on yer land again. Arrr!

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