Arrr! Trump's crew be wantin' the Fed to bend the knee to him if he be winnin' the election. Aye!
Arrr mateys, some scallywags be wantin' the Federal Reserve Board to bend the knee to the former President Trump! They be wishin' for the Fed to be dancin' to his tune if he be winnin' in November. What a jolly ol' time that would be, aye!
Arrr mateys, listen up ye scallywags! Some o' them loyal followers of former President Donald Trump be wantin' the Federal Reserve Board to be more under the thumb o' the president himself. They be hopin' that if Trump be elected once again in November, he can bend the Fed's policies to his will, arrr!According to The Wall Street Journal, these landlubbers be suggestin' that the Fed should be consultin' the president before makin' any changes to interest rates, and that their regulations be subject to a review from the White House. They even be thinkin' that the Treasury Department should be keepin' a closer eye on the Fed's doings, as if they be tryin' to catch 'em red-handed in some sort o' nefarious scheme, arrr!
Them scurvy dogs be wantin' Trump to have more sway over the Fed, so's he can make sure the economy be sailin' smoothly in his favor. But I say, let the Fed be independent, and not be bowin' down to the whims o' any one man, no matter how powerful he may be!