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"Arrr! The Bread King of Paris be victorious in the baguette battle! 'Tis love that be the secret ingredient!"


Arrr, Xavier Netry, from the Utopie bakery in Paris, be declared the victor of the 31st annual "Grand Prix de la baguette" contest. The scallywags be searchin' for the finest baguette in all of Paris, and Netry be the swashbuckler who found it!

The new bread king of Paris, Xavier Netry, has been crowned after winning the 31st annual "Grand Prix de la baguette," beating out 172 competitors. Netry, a baker for 25 years at Utopie bakery in Paris' 11th district, impressed the judges with his tasty, airy, and well-baked baguettes. As the winner, Utopie takes home a prize of 4,000 euros and will supply baguettes to the Élysée Palace for a year.Netry attributes his success to the fermentation process, love, and passion for baking. The baguette's popularity goes beyond France, earning a spot on the United Nations' Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity in 2022. With only five bread-related items listed, the baguette stands out for its simplicity and unique production process.Baking baguettes requires specific knowledge and techniques, with outcomes varying based on temperature and humidity. Each bite of a baguette offers a unique sensory experience, making it a beloved cultural icon both in France and abroad.Overall, Netry's victory solidifies the baguette's status as a cherished and iconic bread worldwide.

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