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Avast ye mateys, over 20 scallywags of the constabulary be walkin' the plank for their misdeeds! Arrr!


Avast ye scallywags! More than 20 landlubber senior officers of the Washington, DC, Police be walkin' the plank come April 30, 12 of 'em fer some serious misconduct! Looks like they'll be swabbin' the decks elsewhere! Arrr!

Arrr, mateys! More than 20 senior Washington, D.C. officers be walkin' the plank, never to return to the force after this month ends. Aye, more than half of these scallywags be accused of serious misconduct, and the law be sayin' they can't stay on board.These officers had retired and were brought back on deck by the Metropolitan Police Department on a year-by-year basis, but now their contracts be expirin' on April 30. The Comprehensive Policing and Justice Reform Amendment Act of 2022 be the reason for the walkin' of the plank, as it bans officers with serious misconduct from servin'.This law be makin' the sea a rougher place for these officers, with 12 of them already bein' sent to Davy Jones's locker. The law be strengthenin' disciplinary procedures, limitin' use of force, and makin' it harder for the public to access records of possible misconduct.The union be cryin' foul, claimin' this law be the worst they've ever seen. They be arguin' that officers with decades of service bein' forced to walk the plank over old disciplinary actions be a travesty.

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