The Booty Report

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Ye scallywags at Tarkov be pullin' a fast one, chargin' fer PvE mode now but promisin' it free at game's end!


Arrr! Battlestate Games be hoisting their Jolly Roger high and tripling down on their definition o' DLC! 'Tis like findin' a chest o' gold doubloons in the depths o' Davy Jones' locker! Yarrr! Let the lootin' begin!

Arrr mateys! Listen up ye scurvy dogs, Battlestate Games be makin' a bold claim about DLC, swearin' by Davy Jones' locker they be. They be sayin' they triple down on their definition of DLC, whate'er that means. But mark me words, it be soundin' like they be addin' more content to their games than a chest full o' treasure!
But before ye get too excited, me hearties, let's not jump the gun like a landlubber. We all know how some game developers be promisin' the moon and deliverin' a dead parrot. So let's keep a weather eye on the horizon and see if Battlestate Games can truly deliver on their grand promises.
Me thinks it be a clever marketing ploy to get us all talkin' about their games, but we'll see if they be walkin' the plank or sailin' to victory. So hoist the Jolly Roger and keep a weather eye on Battlestate Games, me hearties. Only time will tell if they be a swashbucklin' success or if they'll end up feedin' the fishes.

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