The Booty Report

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Arrr matey! British swashbuckler be spared by the sea devil! Hand and thigh be taken, but life still be cherished!


Arrr matey! A 64-year-old landlubber from Britain be in a "stable" condition after a scuffle with a fearsome bull shark in the waters of Tobago! That be one way to get a bit o' excitement on yer holiday voyage, me hearties!

In the language of a jolly pirate, a 64-year-old British tourist be losing an arm and a leg after a fierce battle with a bull shark on the island of Tobago in the Caribbean. Arrr! It happened in the waters near the Starfish Resort, a popular spot for treasure hunters, where the shark, a fearsome beast measuring 8 to 10 feet long, made its attack. The poor soul was in only waist-deep water when the creature struck, a true ambush if ye ask me!Ahoy! The brave witness Stephanie Wright saw the shark's fin and cried out, "Shark!" Aye, the man be lucky to still be breathing, with his left hand and thigh severed, and his belly wounded. The attack occurred right near the shore, a mere 30 feet away, sending the poor chap to the hospital's intensive care unit, battling for his life.Photos of the gruesome injuries show the severity of the encounter, a sight that would make even the hardiest of pirates shiver. The authorities be on high alert, with drone surveillance, Coast Guard patrols, and Fisheries scouring the area for any other lurking sea monsters. Shark attacks be rare, with only a handful of incidents each year, but when they strike, they leave a trail of devastation in their wake.

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