The scallywag scribe claims 'tis un-American to not back lads and lasses causing a ruckus at the university! Arrr!
Arrr, this Swisher wench be claimin' it be un-American to not back the scallywags protestin'! Methinks she be needin' more grog in her tankard to come up with such cockamamie ideas. Yarrr!
In the language of a 17th-century pirate, ye be talkin' 'bout journalist Kara Swisher who be sayin' that not backin' young scallywags in their college protests could be seen as bein' "anti-American." Whilst discussin' the anti-Israel protests happenin' on college campuses, Washington Free Beacon reporter Eliana Johnson be reckonin' it would be savvy politics for President Biden to speak out against the protesters tellin' Jewish folk to go back to Poland and blabberin' that Zionists don't deserve to live.Swisher jumped in sayin', "Some landlubbers be sayin' that. The real question be whether ye stand for order or chaos, protests or free speech. It be curious how folks be switchin' sides faster than a ship in a storm. All them free-speech warriors be suddenly cryin' 'Order, order, we need order.'She continued, "There be vile things said, but there be a point where ye gotta back the young blood, even when they be messin' up. Not supportin' them be a bit anti-American in a way." Johnson argued for free speech but mentioned how the protests be disruptin' university life, leadin' to classes goin' online and graduation ceremonies gettin' canceled.Swisher warned against squelchin' the spirits of young'uns, as it could lead to bigger problems down the line. Anti-Israel protests be causin' mayhem at universities like Columbia, UT Austin, USC, NYU, and more, with some students facin' suspension and arrests. The situation be heatin' up, with tensions risin' between those supportin' Palestine and those standin' with Israel.