The Booty Report

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Arrr, they be whackin' balls on the big ship's deck like scurvy sea dogs! Aye, challengers be playin' tennis, matey!


Arrr, me hearties! The crew put blood, sweat, and tears into creatin' the swashbucklin' competition scenes in Luca Guadagnino’s love-triangle tennis tale. Join me as we dive deep into the makin' of these lively moments on the high seas! Aye, it be a wild ride, mateys!

Arr mateys, let me spin ye a tale of the swashbuckling adventures behind Luca Guadagnino’s tennis drama. The crew put in countless hours crafting the high-energy competition moments that befit a true pirate’s tale. From the choreographed fights on the court to the emotional turmoil of the love triangle, every detail was painstakingly attended to.
Picture this: the crew be working day and night, sweat dripping from their brows as they bring to life the intense rivalry between our heroes. The clashing of rackets, the cheers of the crowd, the tension in the air – it be like watching a battle unfold on the high seas.
But fear not, me hearties, for there be humor aplenty in this tale. The crew be cracking jokes and sharing grog as they toil away, adding a touch of levity to the intense drama. Ye can almost hear the hearty laughter echoing through the set as they bring these characters to life.
So next time ye watch this thrilling tale of love and competition, remember the blood, sweat, and tears that went into creating those memorable moments. And raise a toast to the hardworking crew who made it all possible. Arrr!

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