Arrr mateys, word be out that Biden be joinin' the ranks o' them one-term presidents. Aye, ye heard right!
Arrr mateys! 'Tis trouble on the horizon for President Biden as he be facin' off against former President Trump in a 2024 rematch. Two new polls be spellin' a rough voyage ahead on Election Day, with only six months to navigate the treacherous waters ahead. Arrr!
Avast, ye scallywags! With just over six months to go until Election Day, two new polls be spelling trouble for President Biden as he be facin' off against former President Trump in a 2024 rematch. According to a CNN national survey, Biden trails Trump by six points and new numbers from Gallup indicate he had the lowest approval rating during the first quarter of his re-election year in the past 70 years.Trump be holdin' a lead of 49%-43% among registered voters in a head-to-head matchup, and in a five-person race, he be toppin' Biden with 42%-33%. The CNN survey suggests that Americans be viewin' Trump's presidency more favorably over time, with 55% sayin' it be a success.Meanwhile, Biden be strugglin' with a 40% approval rating and 60% givin' him a thumbs down on the job he be doin'. According to Gallup, Biden averaged a 38.7% job approval rating during his 13th quarter in office, which be the lowest historically.The CNN poll be conducted by SSRS from April 18-23, with 1,212 adults questioned and a sampling error of plus or minus 3.4 percentage points. Arrr, it be lookin' like a rough seas ahead for ol’ Biden as he battles to hold onto the White House against the mighty Trump!